Kisite-Mpanguti is a small marine reserve, compared to other reserves of Kenya. It extends along the coast in the south, occupying a territory of 28 km2. This national park is located on four islets, small, surrounded by a delightful realm of coral reefs.

The abundance and diversity of representatives of the underwater world is impressive. Here morays are found, playful dolphins, bright butterfly fish, scorpions, colorful angelfish, sharper sea perch, napoleon fish, and several species of sea turtles. In total, the water area of ​​the park has about 250 species of fish and 40 different types of corals. At a certain time, whale sharks sail to the banks of the Kisite-Mpanguti and humpback whales can be seen.

Crystal clear coastal waters allow you to contemplate the beauty, hidden under water even without special equipment. And for fans of scuba diving there are such diversions as diving, sea safari with dolphins, which are arranged on a high-speed sailboat, snorkeling and other entertaining activities that take all day.

Exotic animals and plants of the underwater world of Kishite-Mpanguti can not only be seen in their natural habitat. Local cuisine is famous for seafood dishes, which can surprise tourists from any corner of the world.

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