The distance to Nairobi is 267 km (4 hours drive), from Narok - 125 km; the most convenient way to reach the reserve by car. The Masai Mara National Park has an area of ​​1510 square meters. km is located at an altitude of 1650 m above sea level. On the territory of the reserve there are two rivers - the Mara and the Talek, along which the acacia forests grow. The climate here is mild and warm, conditionally Masai Mara can be divided into three climatic zones: savanna, bush and riverbed. About 80 species of mammals and 450 species of birds live in the reserve. Here you can find lions, leopards, buffaloes, rhinoceroses, elephants, antelopes, cheetahs, hyenas, jackals, giraffes, gazelles, hippos, crocodiles, impala and many other, more rare animals.
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